The Pitching Pad® is used for practicing pitching techniques and evaluating a pitcher’s accuracy
Eliminates the need for a catcher
Improves command
Brightly colored targets
Safety Screen/Frame Not Included
“Perfect Pitches through Perfect Practice”
The Pitching Pad® takes training back to the basics. It’s not just another pitching screen. The Pitching Pad® is a complete system designed to make pitching workouts more effective.
By using the markings on The Pitching Pad® as reference points, a player can better develop and hone pitching skills. The strike zone is quartered, with each area identified by bright colors. The numbers on the Pad are arranged in a clock-like fashion, providing easily identified targets throughout the zone. These pad markings provide a means for exact focus on location and facilitate quick adjustments.
Utilizing The Pitching Pad® results in workouts that are more efficient and effective. The Pitching Pad®:
is perfect for baseball or softball.
is appropriate for all ages and development levels, from tee-ball to professional.
eliminates the need for a catcher.
is quality built with heavy-duty materials so it will last for many seasons.
can be attached to most fences, nets, or field screens.
has thick inner foam that prevents damage (excluding the travel version)
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